Specializing in Commercial Law & Litigation, Insolvency, Real Estate & Construction Law, Business Sales & Purchases, Company Law, Landlord & Tenant, Conveyancing and Property Litigation.
Real estate development of commercial and residential schemes involves setting up structures for real estate schemes including advice on planning and local authority agreements, review of easements, title investigation and reorganisation, compulsory purchase matters , utilities agreements, and preparing long lease schemes, penthouse redevelopment, sales and purchases, construction agreements, finance arrangements and advisory appointments, joint venture arrangements and exit structures .
Conveyancing is the transfer of legal title of property from one person or to another, or the granting of a lease and/or an encumbrance such as a mortgage or a lien. We are involved in advising on property litigation as well such as related to land ownership.
Landlord and tenant law is a part of the common law, whether commercial property or residential property (rent reviews, lease renewals, regulated tenancy laws) that details the rights and duties of landlords and tenants. It includes elements of both real property law (specifically conveyances) and contract law. Leases can involve complex documents and be highly regulated.
Town and country planning in the United Kingdom is the part of English land law which concerns land use planning, and usually involves all the above transactions and also involves a review of these matters.
The granting of probate is the first step in the legal process of administering the estate of a deceased person, resolving all claims and distributing the deceased person's property under a will. A will may be contested throughout the probate process. We prepare wills , basic tax planning and advise on probates for executors and trustees as well as disputes relating to estates.
We advise on all aspects of Construction Law, which is a branch of contract and tort law that deals with matters relating to building construction, engineering, infrastructure and related fields both internationally and in the UK. We also assist with PPP transactions and Project Finance. This area of the law involves an amalgam of contract law, commercial law, planning law, company and banking law, land law, employment law, tort and many other areas of law.
These subject areas also involve drafting of construction, infrastructure and PPP and finance agreements and also disputes that involve parties engaged in these activities. Construction and Projects seem to generate litigious conduct but other areas of Alternative Dispute resolution such as mediation, facilitation, arbitration and adjudication.
If you have a legal problem, you may want to see a solicitor for advice and representation. Solicitors can instruct a barrister on your behalf for specialist advice and representation in court. You may want to talk to someone who can give you general advice about your options first and get a sensible steer and sense of commerciality before embarking on litigation which can be a serious step to financial ruin.
We also assist litigants in person and get involved in other areas of Alternative Dispute Resolution such as mediation, facilitation, arbitration and adjudication. We tend not to get involved with large scale High Court Litigation which we leave to bigger firms.
Bankruptcy and insolvency in the United Kingdom is divided into separate local regimes for England and Wales, for Northern Ireland, and for Scotland. There is also a sophisticated UK insolvency law which applies across the United Kingdom, since bankruptcy refers only to insolvency of individuals and partnerships.
Corporate insolvency has a set of separate laws as well. Advice can assist in relation to saving parties from financial disaster, workouts, administration, fire sales and prepacks.
Property litigation is a field of law that deals with disputes relating to property of all kinds, which needs a thorough understanding of the court procedural rules (eg. dispossessions, lease renewals, breaches of lease and land documents, claims between neighbours, mortgage repossessions).
Commercial contracts and commercial agreements are an everyday part of business law, serving a vital function in ensuring that many aspects of a business are legally effective.
We can help business with their IT contracts, internet contracts, and other business contracts
Law pertaining to the sale and purchase of a business and all aspects included. We advise on business sales and purchases, share sales, joint ventures and business to business transactions
Corporate law (also "company" or "corporations" law) is the study of how shareholders, directors, employees, creditors, and other stakeholders such as consumers, the community and the environment interact with one another. We will advise on these private company matters but not public company or yellow book transactions.
We do not advise on Criminal Law, Family and Child Law, and Immigration Law
Marshall F. Levine is a leading lawyer specialising in Construction and Project Finance at Marshall F. Levine & Associates, a boutique law practice.
He was a former head of Construction and Engineering at Linklaters for 24 years and was also a founder partner of Linklaters PFI/PPP practice when PFI/PPP began in or around 1993 in the UK.
He specialises in construction, development and finance, joint ventures, developments, design contracts and corporate rescues of projects.
More recently his practice has widened to general Commercial Law, buying and selling of businesses, Landlord and Tenant, Wills and Probate and County Court Litigation.
Dan Craig is a lawyer who specialises in Commercial Litigation, Wills and Probate. He previously worked at the Bank of England and studied at Cambridge University. He also has experience working alongside Marshall Levine on complex property matters.
- Sale & Purchase
- Development, Planning
- Leases
- Rent reviews and lease renewals
- Licence to assign
- Extension of lease
- Share of freehold

Marshall Levine

Marshall F. Levine
Tel: +44 (0) 207 586 7149
Dan Craig

Dan Craig
Tel: +44 (0) 207 586 7149

2nd Floor, 64 Highgate High Street, London, N6 5HX
Email: info@marshalllevineassociates.com
Tel: +44 (0) 207 586 7149
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